Family Histories/Names
What Are They?
Surname (Last Name) Files
Family Histories
Cemetery Records
Marriage Records
Birth Records
News Clippings
Church Records
Probate Records
School Records
Property Records
What CAN They Tell You?
Who someone is
Who they are related to
When were they born
Where did they live
Where did they go to school
Where did they go to church
Where did they die
Did they do anything significant
Where and whom did they marry
Did they have any hobbies
What was their occupation
Did they experience a significant event
Did they have legal issues
What did they look like
Online Resources
Where Are Family Records Located?

The 2 main places to look for family name information is in the Surname (Last Name) file folders, which are organized alphabetically by Last Name and the Family Histories located on these two shelves in boxes. The family histories are complied works that have been donated to the library.
Another great place to look for information is the "History of Ottawa County, Ohio and Its Families" book.

Random information about people and families can be spread out across the history room in variety of diffrent places. It honestly depends on what kind of information about a person you are look for. Check out some of the other tip pages for those specific areas.
We also have Family Notebooks that are full of random clippings about people and families.

Notice the red stickers with a 1 on these notebooks. This corresponds with the drawers in this card catalog that contains the index for these notebooks. The cards are alphabetical by last name and see specific page numbers in the notebooks for individuals.