Birth Records
What Are They?
Birth certificate
Baptismal record
Birth registry
Birth Announcements
Birth info also found in: DEATH RECORDS or CENSUS
What CAN They Tell You?
Parent's Names
Age of Parents
Live or Stillbirth
Twin, Triplet, or more
Online Resources
Where Are Obits & Other Records Located?
How to Find Birth Records on Our Website
For Ottawa County there several notebooks with birth registrations from the county probate court. They date from: 1867-1890, 1891-1908,1893-1987

We have digitized the birth records of Dr. Gaillard Willet (Elmore) from 1922-1960. These records cover both Ottawa & Sandusky Counties. On our digital collections page, you have the option of doing a keyword search or browsing the collection

Under the Browse Digital Collections, you will find a specific Birth Record Section. This is useful in narrowing your search.

You can browse or keyword search within this collection.

Monroe County, Michigan Birth Records

Sandusky County, Ohio Birth Records

Wood County, Ohio Birth Records
There are also birth records available on microfilm that can be viewed on one of the 2 microfilm readers in the room.

It is sometimes helpful to check baptismal records as well. Since the majority of baptisms are done as babies; a birthdate and parent's names would likely be listed in the records. Check out the CHURCH RECORDS section on how to locate these items.