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Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library Strategic Plan (2022-2027)



The Mission of the Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library is to engage all of our communities, inspire lifelong learning, and provide universal access to a broad range of information, ideas, and entertainment.


Strategic Plan


Service Response Goals


  1. Community Engagement

  2. Intergenerational Services & Programming

  3. Marketing/Communication: Internal & External

  4. Know Your Community: Community Resources and Services


Service Response #1: Community Engagement




Community members, organizations, and businesses will come to recognize the Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library as respected partners and valuable assets. This will allow regular collaboration with Library staff on projects to better serve residents and to make the community stronger. This will lead to a mutual level of support between the Libraries and community partners.




  • Library staff extends services beyond our physical spaces and out into the community.

  • Library administration and staff will foster and nourish an amicable, on-going partnership with local schools, daycares, senior centers, and homeschoolers.

  • Library staff will hold programs off-site from Library facilities in various places throughout the community.

  • Developing and maintaining a Story Walk in both area parks.

  • Library staff will initiate, develop, and operate a pop-up library that can travel to areas outside of the library.

  • Assuring that the Harris-Elmore & Genoa Libraries are represented and actively participating in projects and events that are important to the larger community.

    • The Libraries will send representation to community meetings whenever possible.

    • Library staff will represent the Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library at large events like car shows, parades, and fairs held throughout both communities.

    • Library administration and staff will work with local businesses and organizations to provide programming, events, and informational projects for the community.


Service Response #2: Intergenerational Services & Programming




Kids, teens, adults, seniors, and families will have programs that integrate multiple age groups to foster community, understanding, and fun.




  • Provide intergenerational programming and services that bring people together to learn from one another and create a renewed sense of community.

    • The Libraries will produce a community event each year (not necessarily the same event) that will appeal to community members of all ages.

    • The Libraries will expand and improve upon Local History & Genealogical related programming to foster relationships between the younger and older generations.   

      • Oral History Projects/Interviews/Podcasts/Videos

      • School Partnerships to incorporate local history projects

  • Pursue additional funding outside of the library to supplement programs that are conducive to bringing people together in new ways.

    • Apply for at least one type of grant per year that applies to goals of the library


Service Response #3: Marketing/Communication: Internal & External




The Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library will prioritize effective communication internally and externally, relaying timely, and useful information.




  • Increase internal and external marketing and communication     

    • Expanding Social Media outlets

    • Collaboration with area businesses and organizations to promote library related items

    • Continued and renewed promotion of the library brand and consortium services to a wider audience

    • Investigating new areas of audio or print to promote library activities

      • Radio messages; digital signage; newspapers; mailings

  • Focusing on promoting library collections and literacy initiatives.

    • Personalized recommendations; read alike spotlights; book talks, etc.



Service Response #4: Know Your Community: Community Resources and Services




Library users will have a central source for information about the wide variety of programs and activities provided by community organizations. Library staff will be knowledgeable of partnerships with the library, as well those community offerings that stand alone.




  • Amplifying and curating the libraries’ role as a central hub for community information

    • Collaboration with community partners to share information that will aid patron awareness and possible solutions to community issues

      • Mental Health Concerns; Pandemic Issues; Drug Abuse; Homelessness, etc.

    • Providing resources to the general public to connect with professionals that deal with a variety of social issues and allow them to use library space to conduct trainings and consultations.





Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on May 9, 2022.



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