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Electronic Resource Cards
eCards bring the Library’s top-quality online learning content to Woodmore & Genoa Schools students and teachers!
Get immediate access to ebooks, digital audiobooks, subscription websites and databases at school or at home!
eCards cannot be used to checkout any physical items
(books, DVDs, etc.).
Immediate Access! Click on the button above to register!
OverDrive (popular ebooks, audiobooks, magazines)
Hoopla (ebooks, audiobooks, Book Club selections, comics, movies, music)
Online Databases
World Book Advanced
World Book Students
Biography Reference Bank
World Book Timelines
Offers Alternate book formats/levels for those with learning disabilities
No late fees or lost items!
Instant Access! (No Holds) on Hoopla items
Access to learning resources without a library card
Access to resources at home or at school
Choose tons of online resources in any subject for FREE!

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