Census Records
What Are They?
Paper files
Digital records
What CAN They Tell You?
Addresses/Home Location
Family Member Relationships
Time frames of when Families Lived in Areas
Native languages
Online Resources
Currently, the US Federal Census is available from 1790-1940. These records are maintained by the Nation Archives, not the US Census Bureau.
According to the "72 Year Rule" the National Archives releases census records to the general public 72 years after Census Day. So, this means that the 1950 census should be released by 2022.
***What happened to the 1890 Census?
Most of the 1890 census materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and fragments of the US census population schedule exist only for the states of Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas, and the District of Columbia.
It is easiest to look up census material via ancestry.com or family search because it's searchable and this method is the prominent way of looking up census records for us.
Where is Census Information Located in the Room?

There are 2 subject files that have census information. The files are: Clay Center Census 1880-1920, 1934, 1949, 1964; Green Springs 1910 Census (Sandusky Co.)