Using Equipment
What Are They?
Microfilm Readers

Push to print page
"Old Bessie" is microfilm reader that has very basic features. You can search a roll backwards and forwards, adjust lightness and darkness, rotate pages, and print, which comes out in the back of the unit.

Turn on here
Use to toggle roll backward and forwards

The Scanpro microfilm reader is a bit more advanced than "Old Bessie". While it performs basic microfilm reader functions, it also allows you to scan pages, crop out page sections, and adjusting lightness and darkness. The on switch is located on the very back of the unit.

How to load a microfilm roll

Button turns on screen
USB plug in

Flip to turn on scannerbed

Place item that needs scanning in the lower left corner
The Scannx flatbed scanner is a touch screen based scanner that's very user friendly. When following the prompts on the screen you can have to option of scanning to email or a USB. In black and white, grayscale, or color. Adjusting the quality (thereby making a smaller or larger file). And having the option of saving the scan as TIFF file (the preferred option for our digital files), JPEG, or PDF.

Once you have followed the prompts for the desire file option, you will come to this screen and hit the scan button.

This will then take you to a preview screen. If you do not like the scan, hit delete and start the process over again. If you want more than one image on the file, hit scan to add the next image. A preview of all of you scanned pages will be on the right hand side and you can go back and forth between images. While in this screen you can also zoom in, rotate the image, and crop the image. When cropping, if you want to still crop other items out of your scanned image hit Crop and Retain to keep the remaining parts of the image after the crop. If you do not wish to retain the remaining image parts, simply hit Crop to keep your cropped image alone. Otherwise if you are satisfied with the image, hit next which will take you to the next section to enter in an email address if you wish to email the image somewhere. There is also an optional subject and message for the email as well. If scanning to a USB, this is where you can name your file.

You can also scan to email from the copy machine. Press Email on the main screen and you put what you want scanned on the glass to be scanned individually or you can scan a stack of things by putting them in the feeder. Type in the email address you need and then the start button will be available to start your scan.

To scan to a USB, plug it in to the USB port and select scan to a memory device in order to select the USB option.

The scanning method to a USB works similarly to the scan to email method.