Library Levy FAQs
What We’re Asking For:
The Library is asking voters to approve a 5-year RENEWAL of the Library’s 1.1 mil levy. It’s the same levy you have now!
Where Do You Get the Money to Run the Library?
• State taxes provide 59% of operating costs
• Current operating levy (1.1 mil) provides 40% of operating costs
• Other sources (donations, grants, fees, etc.) provide 1% of operating costs
Will My Taxes Go Up If The Levy Is Renewed?
No. Your tax stays the same. Even if your property is reassessed, the tax stays the same until your property is sold.
How Much Will The Levy Cost Me?
The owner of a home assessed at $100,000 pays approximately $28.18 a year for the Library levy.
What Will You Do With The Funds Should The Levy Pass?
Maintain current operating expenses
Continue to update technology​​
Continue to expand all collections
Benefits both Elmore & Genoa Libraries
Why Do We Need a Library Levy?
State funding for libraries was cut severely in 2008 and has only improved slightly in that time. In order to maintain services, the library asked voters to pass a 1.1 mil levy in 2010. It was renewed in 2015 and 2019. The current levy RENEWAL request will maintain the current level of services.
How Will The Levy Money Be Used?
Monies raised by this levy are used for maintaining current operating expenses of both libraries. This includes staff salaries, library print & non-print materials, supplies, building/tech maintenance, & utilities
When Will This Levy Be Put Into Effect?
• State law allows the library to ask for a renewal/replacement up to one year prior to the expiration of the levy
• The current levy expires in 2024, with the latest taxes due in 2025
• The renewal levy, if passed, will take effect in 2025 with the first taxes being paid in 2026
Who Pays For This Levy?
All property owners in the library district (Harris, Clay, & Allen Townships--Ottawa County, OH) are taxed through this levy.
What Will Happen If The Levy Does Not Pass?
Since 40% of the annual budget comes from this levy, severe cuts will have to be made with fewer library hours, less programming/outreach, reduced purchasing of library materials & a decrease in technology offerings.
Why Should We Pay For A Levy When We Already Paid To Renovate both Libraries?
The Library created a strategic plan a few years ago, which allowed them to survey the patrons in its districts. According to the survey results, there was a great need to provide a meeting room, additional technology, and comfortable spaces within the Elmore Library.
The library used its past levy and State funds frugally to still provide great service, but to also put back money into the building fund to facilitate the building project, thus addressing the needs of the community. Building costs were higher than expected, so this was offset by donations from the community and finding ways to build/renovate in a more cost effective way.
The library could have put up a bond issue that would have required tax payers to be taxed to pay for bonds, which are sold to raise funds specifically for capital (building) improvements. The Board of Trustees did not want to place this burden on the voters and sought to only seek voluntary donations to help recoup the lacking funds needed to complete this renovation and addition project at the Elmore Library.
What we are asking for is a renewal levy that is for library operating expenses. It will help the library to maintain and possibly expand its materials, services, and facilities in the manner to which the public has become accustomed.
Library Stats
Number of Program Offerings
2020: 288 89% increase from 2020 to 2023
2021: 366
2022: 413
2023: 544
Summer Reading Program Participants
2020: 117
2021: 232 296% increase from 2020 to 2024
2022: 383
2023: 438
2024: 463
Library Computer Usage (not wifi)
2020: 2,341
2021: 2,801 148% increase from 2020 to 2023
2022: 4,499
2023: 5,801
Circulation of Library Materials
2020: 33,768
2021: 38,818. 74% increase from 2020 to 2023
2022: 40,772
2023: 58,747
Study Room Usage
2020: 177
2021: 389. 378% increase from 2020 to 2023
2022: 828
2023: 847
Meeting Room Usage (non programs)
2020: 106
2021: 209 236% increase from 2020 to 2023
2022: 327
2023: 356
Teen Room Usage
2020: 467
2021: 488 102% increase from 2020 to 2023
2022: 861
2023: 943

What Library has Done since 2019 Levy
Library Facilities & Equipment
Study Rooms (Genoa)
Section Signage (Genoa)
New Copiers (Elmore & Genoa)
History Room Copier (Elmore)
Teen Room (Genoa)
Office Expansion (Genoa)
New Circulation Desk (Genoa)
Additional Library Shelving (Genoa)
Touchless Hand Sanitizers (Elmore & Genoa
Touchless Automatic Doors (Genoa)
New Furniture (Genoa)
New Roof (Genoa)
New HVAC Systems (Elmore & Genoa)
New Water Heater (Elmore)
New Toilets (Elmore & Genoa)
Children's Game Endcaps (Genoa)
Teen Room Mural (Genoa)
Murals at Entrances (Elmore & Genoa)
Computer Reservation Software (Elmore & Genoa)
Interior Painting (Genoa)
VOIP Phone System (Elmore & Genoa)
New Public & Teen Computers (Genoa)
Poster Printer (Elmore)
Sidewalk Repair (Genoa)
Sewer Line Repairs (Elmore & Genoa)
Free Feminine Product Dispensers (Elmore & Genoa)
Laminators (Elmore & Genoa)
LED Lighting (Genoa)
Touchless Water Fountains (Elmore & Genoa)
Additional Hotspots (Elmore & Genoa)
Chromebooks for Lending (Elmore & Genoa)
New Barcode Scanners (Elmore & Genoa)
Square Register System (Elmore & Genoa)
Security Cameras (Elmore & Genoa)
Smart TV for Meeting Room (Genoa)
Ozone Machine for Book Odors (Elmore)
Book Glue Repair Machine (Elmore & Genoa)
New Microfilm Machine (Elmore)
EZ Scan Stations (Elmore & Genoa)
Library Mobile App
Beanstack Mobile App for Summer Reading
Drug Overdose Kits (Elmore & Genoa)
Covid Test Distribution (Elmore & Genoa)
Little Free Pantry (Elmore & Genoa)
**Elmore Library was fully remodeled in 2019 with funds not from the levy
Library Services
Senior Center Visits & Programming
Genoa Retirement Village Programming & Book Delivery
School Storytimes
Movie Boxes
Library of Things Lending
S.T.E.A.M Kits
Schedel's Science Camp Classes
Senior Ipad Classes (with free iPads to give away)
Voting Forums & Guides (also online resources)
Free Notary Services
60+ Healthcare Clinic
Ohio Means Jobs Services
Board Game Lending
Fan Fest Event
Elmore Ghost Walk Online Self Guided Tour
Homeschool Classes
Fine Free!
Personalized Readers Advisory
Website Chat Feature
Dewey Lite Categories for Adult & Juvenile Nonfiction
Manga/Anime Club
Dungeons & Dragons
True Crime Book Discussion
Small Town Pride Book Discussion
Junior Book Clubs
Email Newsletters
Traveling Trivia & Bingo
New Programming & Crafts
Updated Library Logo
Welcome Bags for new card holders