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Laminating Policy

The Harris-Elmore & Genoa Branch Libraries offer laminating services to the public for a small fee. The library staff will laminate items up to 27 inches wide and not more than 3.5mm inch thick.  Patrons must fill out an agreement for service form and sign a waiver of responsibility. The laminator will be operated by staff for this task. 


Patrons using this service must read and sign the form below. 

(The following is an example of the form that must be signed in person at the Harris-Elmore Public Library or Genoa Branch Library.)



Name:________________________________  Phone Number: _________________________


Number of Items to be Laminated:_________    


Description of Items:____________________________________________________________


*A Drivers License will be required to pick up completed documents.


Price Guide 

$1.00 – 2 ½” x 3 ¾” (Business Card)    

$2.00 –  9” x 11 ½” (Letter)  

$3.00 – 11” x 17” (Menu Size)



Due to the heat process involved in lamination and the possibility of special coatings on the materials, the library assumes no liability as to its effect on the items being laminated. Patrons are advised that discoloration, bubbling, and possible damage are a probability when laminating.


The information that is to be processed may not represent treason or libel (as proven in court) or pornography.


Copyright Statement: The Library adheres to the copyright laws of the United States (Title 7 US Code) governing the making of copies of copyrighted materials.

I will not hold the Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library or its employees responsible for any damage to laminated items. 



List of items that CANNOT be laminated:


  • Social Security Card 

  • Medicare Card

  • Anything Issued by the Government

  • Anything with a Security Feature

  • Diplomas or Degrees

  • Any Certificates (e.g. Birth, Death, or Divorce)

  • Property or Business Ownership



Payment: Cash___   

                   Check___        (Make checks out to Harris-Elmore Public Library)  

Total Amount:________


Staff Initials_______     Date____________


Completion:    Staff Initials ________        Date ___________

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on February 8, 2021

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